Prof Meda Ziemlé Clément

Prof. Meda Ziemlé Clément

Co-chair of WANEL Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Supporting Health System Strengthening Initiative

Professor Meda is a Burkinabe medical doctor, a University Hospital lecturer, certified Professor of CAMES, working for the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation since January 2015 at Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Santé (INSSA) of the Université Nazi Boni (UNB, Ex Université Polytechnique de Bobo Dioulasso – UPB), and Souro Sanou University Medical Centre (CHUSS) of Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.

Previously, he worked at the Ministry of Health since 2002 where he was able to use health-related competences at the district level, Orodara; regional level (Boucle du Mouhoun Region and Hauts Bassins Region); and national level (Prevention by Immunisation Directorate – DPV). In his professional career, he continues to improve his skills in: Marketing management (Higher National Diploma 2007), Management and health system policy option health policy (Certificate Antwerp 2012), Project Management (Masters), epidemiology and biostatistics (DU Bordeaux2 in 2003), the use of IT tools, and public health and research (PhD in public health). His is competent in both French and English.

Professor Meda’s experience in the health system and as a lecturer (INSSA/UNB) has enabled him managed, trained, supervised, monitored and planned the aforementioned system, and represented the Ministry of Health on the Board of Directors. In the course of his professional practice, he helped identified the needs of the populace, personnel and contributed to find solutions through research/interventions to fight diseases or in the management of health facilities, and access to health care and services. He is in charge of Mother and Child Network Office of Hauts Bassins, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.

These are links to his publications:

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